Weekly Photo Challenge: Pedestrian

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It’s my first time to post for the Weekly Photo Challenge.  I’ve been meaning to join for the longest time but never really got to do it.  But this week’s topic got me all excited… PEDESTRIAN.

Many years ago, I would think that pedestrian would mean messy, crowded, rude and dirty.  But now, I hear pedestrian and I think, well, still messy sometimes, but also exciting, lively, alive, people and interactions.

The first photo that came to my mind was this… taken at Santa Monica Pier, CA.05

Then this… at the Millennium Bridge, a pedestrian bridge in London.8

And this one too… walking and stopping and then walking again in Bath, UK.Take a moment, perhaps you can remember a time or two, or many, in your life when you enjoyed being a pedestrian

Have a great day everyone!


  1. It’s funny how we have different word associations. I would think of pedestrian as slow, plodding and not getting on with things. If I did the challenge, it would probably just be a photo of me 😀 !

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    1. Funny indeed! When I was younger, I have this expression, “That’s so pedestrian!” when I’m disgusted by chaotic, messy, cold things, events or people. Before, I see pedestrians (me included) as cold people, not looking up and not meaning their ‘sorry’ when they bump into each other, just walking with the only aim of getting from one point of the street to another. Something has changed, and at the risk of appearing crazy, I tend to smile at people I come across on the streets. And surprisingly, many smile back. But hey from what I’ve read so far in your blog, I think you’re anything but pedestrian. 🙂

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  2. Nice pics Amor!
    I was surprised to read your idea of pedestrian! It’s so different from mine 😆. For me pedestrian is enjoying the moment, going your pace not the traffic’s. Feeling alive! Walking from one place to another while absorbing everything around me.
    Is fascinating knowing different points of view. Thanks for sharing.
    By the way… what is that challenge? Sounds interesting!!

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    1. It’s weird, right? But years ago I really can only associate ‘pedestrian’ with the crowded, messy and often rude, part of the street where people just walked past each other trying to quickly get from one pt of the street to another. But after a few travels and seeing other parts of the world, its meaning has completely changed. It was in Dusseldorf in Germany 15 yrs ago, my first time to travel to Europe, that I first saw a pedestrian-only street (cobbled, benches and heating lamp posts) where people actually walk and look around at the same time, and exactly what you said, absorbing everything around them. It’s amazing. The pics I posted were me w/ the new perspective 🙂 Oh btw, Eli, you can click the ‘weekly photo challenge’ on my blog, then it’ll bring you to the main site with instructions and all. 🙂

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